Image result for Ahok(sumber :

Pemimpin Kontroversial , Basuki Tjahaja Purnama atau Ahok merupakan Gubernur DKI Jakarta yang menjabat sejak 19 November 2014 . Beliau yang merupakan warga negara Indonesiadari etnis Tionghua dan pemeluk agama Kristen Protestan pertama yang menjadi Gubernur DKI Jakarta . Disamping masa kepemimpinannya ia telah melakukan serangkaian kemajuan untuk Jakarta , namun Ahok yang memperoleh penghargaan anti korupsi dari Bung Hatta Anti Corruption Award 2013 silam ini  ia juga terlibat dalam beberapa Kontroversi .

not-so-teenager post

Gosh , its been 2 and a half years since i post my last post and yeah i know they are all very immature and childish . But hey , not gonna delete it bcs i like to keep my "emo-i'm-so-sad-and-heartbroken" phase , just bcs i want to keep it as memory . HA! laugh and mock me all u want i don't mind , that's me being .. teenager . Like its my last year being a teen so , i guess things are changing .

My last post is on July 2013 , and today is 19 August 2015 . I currently study at Universitas Pelita Harapan majoring in communication . and well , lots of things happened in those 2 years - no s . But idk , just catching up . Honestly i don't even know why i have this sudden urge wanting to continue writing the blog . Not that i expect someone to read my blog or anything , I just want to write . The thing i like about blog is , its your personal diary . For instance , i still have posts from 2 years ago which is actually very embarasing ,  but hey , it's actually a part of your life , and like a photo album , i want to keep it and sometime re read it . Because it actually happen and u want to recap it and laugh about it and think how stupid you are that time . And the thing that actually makes me happy about it is knowing that u actually grow . If that make sense ?

So here i am again , planning to continue posting stuff on my blog , i actually rmb why i start writing blog , its because it was actually a thing for people to have blog , i admire those fashion bloggers and i always dreamt to be one . But now , honestly , being a fashion blogger is very hectic and i'm  not very photogenic and fashionable for start , so i'm back here just to .. well , basicly write about anything . but well right now , i'm posting this just because i wanted to write about me .

So cheers ! x -j

It's not a goodbye , yes ?

Finally finished my final exams and had barbeque night with my fellow soldiers , the awesome XI Sci 4 . It seems like its only yesterday since first day we enter grade 11 . eventhough sometimes we fight , we hurt each other , but at the end of the day we end up getting closer . too much days spent , too much memory is captured . don't want to be apart , can we stay the same class next year ?*sobs

spent our time barbeque-ed together , watching videos , pictures , games and stuff . We had something to remember , with or without today . sorry for my mistakes , my childessness , my anger , and thanks for being a part of my life . i am truly glad to be one of your classmates . XI SCIENCE 4 

i want to be somebody

It's been almost 5 months since my last post . i didn't have time to post - well , actually i do but i've been verrryyyy busy (and lazy)  . i wrote this in my school lab because i'm bored , yes pardon my boredness .

so we are having english class , and we are talking about this novel titled "Little Prince" . we are discussing it to a part , until we are coming to a chapter which we are talking about death . He told us something that is getting my head .

Almost everyone in life is chasing for powers , wealth . yes , sure powers and wealth is an important thing to mankind to fulfill our happiness , but think of it , does that are all that counts ? there is one thing that is above power , it started with the letter D - death . To think of it , if you are dead , those powers are nothing , your wealth will be meaningless . There are like 3 billions people in this world , and we are only 1 of THAT 3 billions . and if we are dead , we are gone for good . yes , someone will cry for you , your friends , family will cry for you . But what about the rest of the world ? you are nothing to them . What will you give the world to remember ? Will you be THAT common people ?

To think of it , honestly i'm so scared to even think or imagine about my future . i have been very ignorant lately . my life has been so unproductive - procastination in my very best . i am a type of person that wanted to be something and i know exactly what i want , i know how it is , but i'm not willing to fight for it . for instance , i always wanted to be a fashion blogger . but i'm so lazy (and busy , but since my busy-ness is not a good excuse , oh - wells) that it's so hard for me to be one . I know that i didn't have "that" body and "that" looks to be one . but i want to be one . i don't know why . and to recall what sir JD told us , makes me realize . i don't want to waste my time for something useless . i want to be someone that knows what her dream is and willing to do something to reach it . Everyone can dream , but not all can fulfill her dream . right ?

a food-y trip

Finally my first ootd post :) today have been a food-y trip . went to Taman Anggrek and spotted sticky there . i always wanted to buy sticky but it's not available at Pontianak , and i'm thrilled that i finally bought them and i'm lucky to see the process how it's made 

I spotted Sam & Jolly as well , it is basicly Sour Sally's yoghurt but it's somehow in a form of ice cream . Waffles , Nachos , Spaghettis , Cakes and Beverages are also available . only tried the yoghurt-icecream tho . :(

Food and OOTDs posting will be coming ahead ! TEEHEE !
Ciao ! x


Today is 21-12-12 or what so called , doomsday . Luckily nothing actually happens and this prove that mayans prediction is not right . Instead of being terrified by the "doomsday" thingy , we celebrates chinese annual tradition , eating "onde" which is basically made of tapioca starch and water , boiled in screw pine (pandan) . by eating this , chinese people believes that they will have long live .

right after eating "onde" we have a feast and went to Kelapa Gading . didn't ought to have dinner with my parents and siblings because i went to Jakarta alone :(

if this is called doomsday , i would like to have doomsday everyday :)
ciao ! x
DONE with the tests . HALLELUJAH ! finally free from studying and i can enjoy my holiday . not that free tho . i still have to attend class meeting and i have to practice for the christmas celebration dance . which is 5 days ahead . but hell yeah , i can finally knit whenever i want . i have done knitting my first work and is continuing my second knitting :)

 quite messy tho . but it's not bad for first try ?

 on the process ;)

Yesterday we had a show at singkawang . had a really good laugh with them , almost all important people are there , even Cornelis , the government of West Borneo is there . too bad i didnt bring my camera so the resolution is not satisfying .

my first show . and i had a really great fun with these girls. can't wait for another show :)
ciao ! x